Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm feeling better

I was kinda down yesterday, after a dramatic counseling session and an epic failure on an exam, I decided to take the radical step of withdrawing from a class.

Fortunately, my father, who supports me big time with College payment (as it is typical in Japan I think), was quite supportive.

I have another session tomorrow, and Spring Break is finally here. I hope I'll be able to loosen up and give myself some time to think about how to survive in the future, and how I could solve the stuff I'm facing.

Good ol' Berno says hi from the "Celebrate a Dream Come True" Parade at the Magic Kingdom, which I haven't gone to in a while. I have a lot of things I want to do at Disney World, including practicing artwork and meeting some people, and shopping (I have absolutely no money though).

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